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You Want This - No, You Need This!

You want this! You need this! These are very common messages we hear all day, all around us. These form the foundations of advertisements that permeate almost all corners of our lives. Advertisements tell us of desires we didn't know we had and assure us we have needs we certainly don't actually have. Temptations can be viewed in this way as well.

Don't you need to be as cool as this guy or as powerful as this woman?! Buy some white pants and red accessories and you can be! Also, you'll then be in an exciting relationship with a good looking person!

If the title of this article caught your attention, then you are living proof that these messages work even when there is no substance yet provided. Even if this title didn't seem effective, there is much proof that advertising works. And how does it work? It works by making subtle promises of relationships. It tells a story of what relationships you could have with others or yourself.

So, why do we not always fall for it? Why do we not go buy everything that is advertised to us? It isn't because we don't have the money. That is to say, we wouldn't necessarily buy them if we did have that much money. Why not? It is because we disbelieve the messages that we want or need the things they tell us we want or need. We are content without them.

Are you content with what you have? Do your temptations speak to areas where you are not content? Are the temptations promising things they can actually deliver?

The apostle Paul said he'd found the secret to being content in all situations. Do you know what the secret is? Unfortunately, that's not what this post is about, but the point of this post is just to help you look at the false promises temptations are making so you can see that you don't need to buy into the lies. They don't satisfy.

Keep your eye open for another post about Paul's secret to contentment!

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06. Aug.

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